Jamaica prime minister house 2014
Jamaica prime minister house 2014

jamaica prime minister house 2014

jamaica prime minister house 2014

Pnp Leader Portia Simpson Miller was sworn in as Prime Minister for the second time. Only some 53 per cent of registered voters cast their vote. 0 per cent of the vote JLP took the balance of 21 seats and 46. The PNP won an early general election in December 2011, securing 42 of 63 elective seats and 53. At 39, he was the country's youngest ever Prime Minister. In early October 2011, JLP chose Education Minister Andrew Holness as its new Leader and Holness was sworn in as Prime Minister on 23 October. Meetings can be viewed below on Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica (PBCJ) : Flow cable - 113. On 25 September 2011, Bruce Golding announced his retirement as JLP Leader and Prime Minister. Sitting of the House of Representatives at 2:00 p.m. Dr Patrick Allen succeeded Sir Kenneth Hall as Governor - General on his retirement in February 2009. 1 per cent of votes, while the PNP took 28 seats and 49. In the September 2007 general election, Opposition JLP, led by Golding, won a narrow victory with 32 seats and 50. Professor Kenneth Hall succeeded Sir Howard Felix Cooke as Governor - General in February 2006 and Portia Simpson Miller succeeded Patterson as Prime Minister when he retired after 14 consecutive years in office in March 2006. Following his return to the JLP in 2002, in 2005 Bruce Golding succeeded Party veteran Leader Edward Seaga as Party Leader Seaga had been Leader of Government and Opposition for 31 years. Jamaica Labour Party take remaining 26 seats. 2 per cent of votes and P J Patterson was returned as Prime Minister. In a closer - fought contest than in 1997, People's National Party won an unprecedented fourth successive victory with 34 seats and 52.


After a violent campaign, general election in October 2002 was largely free of violence. The constitution may be amended by simple majority of both houses except for entrenched provisions and specially entrenched clauses. Elections are held at intervals not exceeding five years. The Cabinet has executive responsibility. The Governor - General appoints the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition. The House of Representatives has 63 directly elected members. 21 senators are appointed by the Governor - General, 13 of them on advice of the Prime Minister, and eight on advice of the Leader of the Opposition. Country is a parliamentary democracy with a bicameral legislature and party system, based on universal adult suffrage. She is represented by the Governor - General appointed on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. Since Jamaica gained independence in August 1962 we have seen the likes. Over that period of time, from 1962 until now (2012), only one (1) female has been awarded the honour of that title. Jamaica is a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as head of State. Jamaican Prime Ministers have served collectively for over 50 years.

Jamaica prime minister house 2014